Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft. In the mythos, she was born out of the head of Zeus, fully grown and armoured. She is the patron goddess of Athens, and Minerva is her roman name. Athen once challenged Arachne to a weaving competition to show off her weaving skills. Project Athena was a project in the 80/90s intended to help students at MIT use computers to learn. Also, Intel has currently released a plan for computers which they call Project Athen. The goal of Intel's Project Athena is to make laptops more responsive in many aspects and to improve battery life in them. All this to make laptops better for use by designers. Both of these projects are aptly named, while MIT's Project Athena maybe more so, because they each appeal to aspects of Athena's domains. Intel hopes to be able to help designers, people who do handicraft, do more, and Athena is the god of handicrafts. MIT's goal was to bring wisdom and knowledge to its students through the use of computers, and it has succeeded. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. While neither project presents any myth of Athena, they both use our prior knowledge of Athena to help convey their goals. Also, both projects are interestingly involved in propelling the computer science world forward and are born from the minds of people.

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