Semper Fidelis, or Semper Fi, as it is sometimes shortened, is the motto for the US Marine Corps. Meaning "always faithful" or "always loyal". This motto represents the commitment of trust and loyalty Marines make to each other and to their country. It was chosen in 1883 and was first proposed by Colonel Charles McCawley just after the Mexican-American War, but not much else is known about the history of this motto. In this case, the Latin is translated correctly; semper, meaning always or ever, and fidelis, meaning faithful, truthful, or loyal. This is unusual due to the fact that Latin mottos are often butchered and differ in meaning from the intended translation. This motto is, in my opinion, well placed and tasteful. It's short, simple and stays true to the Marine Corps' core value of loyalty.

Ren Staveteig
Latin Lexicon
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